Announcements from MTL 24/24

Thierry Lavergne

MTL 24/24 is collaborating with a worldwide efforts to sustain a Global Nighttime Recovery Plan.

We need you, nightlife workers, to fill out this quick survey ! The Global Nighttime Recovery Plan is a group of academics, advocates, researchers, and workers within nightlife seeking to advise governments and nightlife industry stakeholders on how to create a more resilient and …

MTL 24/24 is collaborating with a worldwide efforts to sustain a Global Nighttime Recovery Plan. Read the full article

MTL 24/24 reveals the composition of its « CONSEIL DE NUIT 2020-2022 »

MTL 24/24, a non profit organization whose mandate is to protect, represent and foster Montreal’s nighttime cultural life, revealed today the composition of its Conseil de nuit (Night council), the democratic governance body representing, at the political level, various members directly implicated in the night culture scene. …

MTL 24/24 reveals the composition of its « CONSEIL DE NUIT 2020-2022 » Read the full article