collide : nightlife before dark

July 6, 2023
Café SAT, 6 pl. du Marché, Montréal
Cocktail / discussions / open decks

Collide is an all-evening event co-hosted by Studio ZX and FANTOM, intended to serve as a shared and open space for the many scenes that make up Montreal nightlife to meet, find common ground, and build lasting ties of solidarity—regardless of experience level or other barriers.

With members of FANTOM, Studio ZX, and MTL24/24’s Night Council expected to be present, our goal is for Collide to act as a bridge between Montreal’s nightlife communities and the organizations working to support and advocate for them.

Entry is free, though we ask you to please RSVP (it really helps the event coordinators!). For this inaugural edition, an open decks opportunity is being offered for those of you who would like a chance to play at Cafe SAT. RSVP & open-deck signup via this link.

À propos



The MTL 24/24 Night Council is a consultative body of Montreal’s nightlife made up of 12 citizens of Montreal who are committed to the dynamic and constructive development of its nights. The Night Council presents opinions and collects data on subjects that affect the various spheres of Montreal’s nightlife. Its work is part of a desire to democratize, promote and legitimize the city’s nightlife.




FANTOM (Fédération pour les arts nocturnes comprenant les travailleurs.euses et organisateurs de Tiohtià:ke / Montréal) is a non-profit collective created by and for queer/trans/PANDC/allied nightlife and after-hours artists, workers and organizers. FANTOM fights to ensure the security, sustainability and solidarity of a thriving alternative nightlife culture through collective action, research and platforms for sharing knowledge and resources.



STUDIO ZX (STUDIO Zeitgeist Xploration) is a non-profit organization that embodies a radically queer  spirit, dedicated to empowering and elevating artists within Montreal’s underground nightlife scene. Its mission extends beyond entertainment, aiming to disrupt the status quo and provide a platform for artists to unleash their raw creativity. Through immersive events, mind-blowing performances, and daring shows, ZX challenges boundaries and creates a space where artists can push their limits. A star is only a distant light until it is discovered.

Register now!

100% free
Limited space, don't delay!