Participants wanted - Emotional labor among service personnel in Montreal nightlife establishments
Are you (or have you been) employed in a festive nightclub in Montreal (bar, nightclub, pub, cabaret, rave, festival, etc.)? Tell us about your customer experience!
We invite you to take part in a maximum one-hour interview about your experience and perceptions as an employee in the nightlife and party scene, to find out about the demands and implications of your work with customers, particularly in terms of emotional and relational aspects.
To participate, you must:
- At least two years’ experience in the nightlife industry;
- Be currently (or since 2021) employed as a service staff member (waiter, bouncer, bartender, checkroom attendant, manager, etc.) in a nightlife establishment (bar, nightclub, pub, cabaret, rave, festival, etc.);
- Emotional and relational experience of customer service situations, difficulties, etc.
To participate, register here: